Faro Club – 36th Main Meeting|Live @ Mendrisio

Live @ Mendrisio (Svizzera) - 19-06-2013 / 20-06-2013

36° FARO Club Main Meeting

Successful experiences: the opportunities and advantages of doing business in Ticino. Commodities Outlook. Italian scenario and view on the Italian economy.


It is between the folds of the plaster modelled by Maestro Vincenzo Vela that the first day of the FARO Observatory takes shape, now on the 36th stage of its journey into excellence, but first across the border.

Welcoming the numerous participants and faristi who flocked to the exclusive panel discussion animated by the local Ticino institutions and the fascinating lesson on excellence given by the world’s best Sommelier Paolo Basso was Deputy Mayor Samuel Maffi.
“A keen sense of smell and taste, which are innate gifts, help but are not in themselves sufficient for success. You also need a strong managerial culture and solid experience gained over time’.
This is the debut of the sommelier champion crowned by the ASI.
Passionate about his work and knowledge, a curious explorer of his own abilities. These are the skills that have made Basso, like Maestro Vincenzo Vela, an excellence even beyond the borders of the Bel Paese. This is what unites the faristi who flocked to the 36th FARO on Ticino soil: the desire to go beyond the confines of the crisis.
Travel, discovery and excellence are also discussed in the panel discussion that opens after the sparkling lecture on excellence. Taking the microphone, two visionary entrepreneurs whose ideas have enabled them to cross borders. Two very different personalities in comparison: Emilio Camponovo, who presides over the gold trading company Aurofin Sa and after starting his career at today’s Ubs led the refining activities of Valcambi, and Andrea Laus, CEO of the successful start-up Lifelike. In this confrontation, far from clashing, the two protagonists outline the reasons for their choice to come to Ticino.
In this vein, the second panel will close the first day’s work. The histrionic host Gianfranco Fabi, journalist for Radio 24 and Il Sole 24 Ore, moderator of the first day for the occasion, weaves together the stories of various institutions in Ticino. The many good reasons behind fruitful Italian investment in Ticino and the need to consolidate relations between the Peninsula and the Canton were highlighted by Nadia Lupi, Director of Ente Turistico Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio, Lorenzo Leoni, Director of Fondazione Agire, Stefano Modenini, Director of Associazione Industrie Ticinesi, and Severino Pugliesi, Managing Director of Credit Suisse AG.

A visit to the exhibits concludes the discussion, and a splendid dinner in the park of the majestic Villa-Museum crowns the day.


On Thursday the proceedings start early. The numerous participants, who have flocked to the Espo Congressi Coronado Hotel, open the day with live intermarket analysis by Dr Paolo Kauffmann and four exceptional Commodity Outlooks. The new protagonist of this stage is gold, along with the current situation of precious metals, which Fabrizio Ferrini, Bloomberg Application Specialist, will not fail to explain.
The intermarket approach remains unchanged, and the first Outlook is followed by three others, on Non-Ferrous Metals
(Tobias Merath – Head Commodity and Alternative Investments Research, Credit Suisse), Steel and Ferrous Raw Materials (Ciaran Roe – Associate Editor, Platts Metals) and Shipping, with the welcome return of Enrico Paglia, Research Manager, Banchero Costa Group.
Work continued with the usual ring time and matching, which for the occasion was enriched by the comparison of companies operating in the Precious Metals sector.
After the prestigious Q&A Lunch with Arrigo Sadun, an exclusive opportunity for all Club members, it is time for the ever-present Quadro Macro. Sadun himself opened it, interviewed by Fabio Tamburini, Director of Radio 24 and Sole 24 Ore Radiocor, with a long and very interesting speech on the current situation at Italian and international level.
At the close of the proceedings, the microphone passes to Giles B. Keating, Head of Global Research, Credit Suisse, who, thanks to his innate verve and in-depth knowledge of the market, enchants and amazes the audience.

A cocktail on the terrace overlooking the Ticino river, the best way to say goodbye and bid farewell to 23-24 October, for the 37th FARO, which for the occasion will make a stop at the Kilometro Rosso Science and Technology Park.

36° FARO Club Main Meeting

I relatori

Sadun Arrigo

Chief Economy Advisor / Faro Club

Pugliesi Severino

CEO / Lagom

Paglia Enrico

Research Manager / Banchero Costa Group Genova, Italy

Modenini Stefano

Direttore / Associazione Industrie Ticinesi

Merath Tobias

Wealth Content Strategy / Credit Suisse

Ferrini Fabrizio

Workflow Application Specialist / Bloomberg

Fabi Gianfranco

Giornalista / Radio 24
Giornalista / Il Sole 24 Ore

Camponovo Emilio

Chairman / Aurofin SA

Basso Paolo

Best Somelier in the World /

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