18 July 2023 / ENERGIA

Solar energy in Italy: how the photovoltaic market will change

how the photovoltaic market will change

Solar energy in Italy can achieve its development goals provided it focuses on ten priorities, highlighted by the Italia Solare association in a recent meeting with the “Minister for the Environment and Energy Security”, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

The evolution of solar energy in Italy

In the first quarter of 2023, Italy exceeded 26 GW of installed connected power of photovoltaic systems. Over 1 GW in the first three months of the year, of which 54% in residential. In the whole of 2022 the increase was 2.48 GW (+164% over 2021), of which residential accounted for 44%, commercial and industrial 28%, and utility scale installations (over 1 MW) 23%. The top three regions in terms of installed solar power capacity are Lombardy, Apulia and Emilia Romagna

Trends and perspectives for the photovoltaic market

The ten priorities for solar energy in Italy indicated by Italia Solare are:
1) approval by the regions of suitable areas
2) Extraordinary plan for the full utilisation of photovoltaic producibility: storage systems and grid infrastructure
3) Moving from the Single National Price (PUN) to the Zonal Price
4) Incentives for all photovoltaics in suitable agricultural areas
5) Ad hoc connection rules for photovoltaics
6) Economic support measures for grid and storage infrastructure
7) Simplification of bureaucratic procedures
8) Gradual obligation, including incentives, for the installation of photovoltaics on existing buildings
9) Promotion of the development of national system component supply chains
10) Training of photovoltaic technicians
According to an analysis by Intersolar Europe, the main trends in solar energy in the coming years will be self-production by farms, offshore photovoltaics and the expansion of storage infrastructure.

Impacts of energy policies on sector growth

In 2022, solar energy in Italy grew most in the residential sector (up to 20 kW), according to data compiled by the GSE. Effect of tax incentives Superbonus 110%, Renovation Bonus 50%, VAT relief, tax credit for storage systems


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